Saturday, 19 January 2013


We have some snow here right now, and according to BBC there shall be heavy snowfall tomorrow. Will be interesting to see what that means. At least it's a sunday, hopefully it will thwart the ensuing chaos a little.

We've been to London on a shopping spree, I found all kinds of interesting things, I shall make a coherent post complete with pictures for y'all to enjoy.

Oh, andI actually went swimming! Now I have a one year membership at the Leisure Centre, so for the sake of money spent I will have to go swimming again (I'm sort of aiming for once a week or something).

It's very calming to live in a house in which the heating starts to slack as soon as the temperature outside drops below the freezing point, i.e. when it is needed the most, really. It's just that the thermostat and boiler experience communication difficulties. If they had facebook pages I bet their relationship status would be stated as "It's Complicated". Thus far waving the thermostat in front of the boiler has solved the issue, so we're still alive, however barely.


  1. Tur att ni inte har -30 grader, så som vi hade idag.

    1. håller med! Med tanke på att vår boiler har kraschat två ggr nattetid nu under en vecka så vi vaknat till kylskåpstempererat hus, tur att vi inte har -30. Då skulle man kanske inte vakna alls...

    2. Huj huj, England skulle gå under :P
