Tuesday, 20 December 2011


Hum hum, the days are just flying by, especially since I'm still suffering from jetlag in the form of waking up later in the mornings. 10 a.m. is very late for me. Feels like half of the day has gone by then.


  1. I woke up at 7, so I won!
    ok I cheated. The alarm on my phone woke me up at 7...

    but still!

  2. Pöh, Blogger ate my comment.

    I'll say it again.

    That's SO cheating, it is, in fact, so much cheating that we may as well say that you woke up at 2 p.m. so I Superwon in the end! Ha-HA!

    Plus, in the first morning here I woke up at half past six. Beat that! xD (I did cheat though, there was an involuntary three-year old alarm...)
