Sunday, 18 November 2012

You Are What You Wear

Lately, I've been shopping, and this is what I've found:

I figured the trolley I buy might as well be one notch smaller than the biggest size, since I'm way too good at packing. Everytime I try to fill a big one I have to stop and rearrange halfway through since it's already reached maximum weight allowance. The slippers are from last year.

We fought some mold today, the situation in mine and Roomie's room started to be unbearable, and moving some furniture we found another suprise wall decoration.

I just don't know why it has to be like this. Why can't people who seriously live on an island with approx 95% moisture in the air at all times consider it when building a house?


  1. oh mold~ something that can be found in a sweden finn's school books~

    de stör dig int säkert om ja lite lånar din gameboy ibland? såklart det inte gör det Linda <3 Tack kära syster <3

    1. Bra att du sparar mina fingrar.

      Jag kan lära dig fånga mew i pokemon.

    2. därför skall man använda skyddshandskar :3

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. dude.. vart ha du gömt dina konceptpapper/häften?

    1. Öh.. gav jag int typ allt vad jag har åt dig på sommarn eller slängd de i ditt rum (i sjundå).. hmm? :P

    2. dvs. ett häfte .. ookej :c
