Thursday, 22 September 2011


Now my Finnish phone number doesn't work anymore, as I've switched to an English SIM.

Today school started for real, and I'm quite excited. Or, I suppose it's called uni nowadays, not school. We had the task to bring an image, an object and a text to the studio, and then we recieved a couple of tasks. For next thursday we got the task to produce at least five drawings. We're supposed to. . . what was it? Explore drawing or something. Try different things out. Something like that.

There's also a cornucopia of films in the school library, all kinds of them.

I also marvel at the lack of certain products. Why don't they sell frozen berries in the supermarkets in the UK? Why? Is it because I'd like to buy some? No fresh yeast either. It's okay, I've nothing against dryed. But, I really like the smell of fresh yeast. It smells like "soon you'll eat something delicious" or something like that. Otherwise I really enjoy shopping for food, since it's still new, exotic and exciting, and lightyears cheaper than Finnish food (which isn't an achievement really, since Finland is in the top five or something most expensive countries in the EU).

The days fly past really fast.

The people in my group had had some difficulties getting their heads around my text for today:

Ö ö,
hö ö.
Hö ös mö.

It's a beautiful poem, and a punchline from a Finnish joke (the poem is in Swedish). It did make a very, err, sweet drawing.

(It means Island island, grassy island. Grassy islands bride.)

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