As today was the estimated delivery date of my online order from the Infinite Kompany of Errors and Agressions, and I hadn't recieved an email from them yet, I popped my old SIM into my phone (back when I placed my order I hadn't got an UK number yet). Well, turns out they've tried to call the old number a couple of times, and left voice messages in which they ask me to call them back in order to make sure that my house is accessible by truck, and to ask when I'd like to have the stuff delivered.
Many things baffle me about this.
Why not send an email when they can't make contact by phone, if they expressly state that they'll contact me by phone, text or email?
Why they don't have the option to tell if your home is accessible by truck right away when placing your order?
Why they suddenly succeeded in calling a Finnish phonenumber, when they weren't able to do that back when we ordered home delivery when we visited one of the warehouses?
Why they just couldn't deliver on the estimated day as they'd done when we ordered home delivery?
Well, guess when my stuff will be delivered?
Go ahead, guess!
It's before Christmas, yay!
All right, 25th friggin' October. That is, in a month.
What the hell?
I can tell you that I'm not pleased.
Whatever, they'll probably send the wrong stuff then.
Aside from these aggressions I suppose the day was okay. I had Digital Media today, and we were supposed to go out and take pictures, and then play around with them on Photoshop. The taking pictures part went well, aside from the fact that the camera had decided to take some of the pictures as all white editions, so me and my pair had to go out and reshoot some of them. The playing around with the pictures on Photoshop part went quite well too, aside from the fact that I'd prefer not to touch Macs. Things like having to close windows from the wrong corner, having no right-click and having to use the "apple-button" instead of ctrl frustrates me greatly. I guess I'm just dull and conservative. And too much of a geek.
Oh hey, completely forgot to tell that we finally actually got to buy knives from an irresponsible vendor during the Kent Food and Drink Festival. Thank you very much!
I suppose that will suffice as today's good news.