Monday, 23 June 2014


I'm terribly bad at updating it seems. Tomorrow we are going up to London as our graduation ceremony is fairly early the next morning.

In other news we had our degree show exhibition, and I actually won a price, which is a solo exhibition at The Brewery Tap (an ex pub turned art gallery) in Folkestone, sometime in february/march next year. It seems I'm not leaving England for a very long time yet, it seems.

I've also been to Finland for a couple of rounds in order to attend a couple of entrance exams, one for English at ÅA, the other for Animation at Turun AMK. I should get the results for animation in a little more than a week (probably around the time I move back, which is the 3rd of July), English a little later.

My sister arrived safely in Canterbury today, and she'll represent my family at the graduation ceremony on Wednesday (and hopefully take loads of pictures)!